The Highway Patrol reports two children from Callao sustained serious injuries as the result of a car hitting a truck near Macon on Thursday morning, June 2nd. An ambulance transported the four-year-old boy and five-year-old girl to the Samaritan Hospital. They were passengers in the car. No injuries were reported for the driver of the car, 29-year-old Derrick Paris of Callao. The driver of the truck, 18-year-old Zachary Fink of Macon, received minor injuries, and he was treated at the scene. The truck traveled north, and the car traveled west before the accident at Highway 36 and Kellogg Avenue one mile east of Macon. The truck reportedly failed to yield to the car, and the car struck the truck. The car was totaled, and the truck received moderate damage. Fink and the two children did not wear seat belts. It is unknown if Paris wore a safety device. Assistance was provided by the Macon Police and Rural Fire departments as well as the Macon County Sheriff’s Department, Rescue Squad, and Ambulance.