The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Missouri signed a Record of Decision yesterday, supporting the installation of a multi-purpose reservoir in Sullivan County. The decision concludes extensive environmental analysis and fulfills National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements for NRCS. The East Locust Creek Reservoir near Milan is designed to provide seven million gallons of water per day to over 100,000 people living in the surrounding 10-county region. The reservoir will also provide flood damage reduction and water-based recreation opportunities. An earthen dam 79 feet tall will impound a reservoir with a permanent pool of 2,328 acres. This project has a design life of 100 years and is estimated to cost $110 million to construct. NRCS is assisting the North Central Missouri Regional Water Commission, Locust Creek Watershed District, and the county commissions and soil and water conservation districts of Putnam and Sullivan Counties on this project. As the lead federal agency, the NRCS has provided financial and technical assistance to support the project’s efficacy.